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What is Laser Scar Revision?

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Posted September 12, 2016 in News

Scars can develop as a result of damage to the skin from surgery or a previous injury, such as lacerations and burns. Scarring varies from individual to individual and can cause self-consciousness or embarrassment when they’re in highly visible areas. Although having scars is typically not a cause for medical concern, many men and women choose to have them removed for cosmetic purposes, such as with laser scar revision.
The development of laser technology has enabled scar revision without the necessity of surgery or other invasive treatments. Lasers are utilized in several therapies on the aesthetic market for their ability to target skin imperfections while leaving healthy skin intact, minimizing downtime and aiding in the generation of new skin.
What is Laser Scar Revision?
While many types of scars cannot be completely removed, they can be treated to make them blend in with the texture and tone of the surrounding skin so they will be less obvious. Laser scar revision is done by moving a laser device along the length of the scar, removing the top layer of the skin and stimulating the growth of collagen in the deeper dermal layers, reducing the appearance of the scar from the inside out.
Who is a Good Candidate for Laser Scar Revision?
Although a wide range of patients can benefit from laser scar revision, some conflicting medical conditions may require further evaluation before treatment is approved. Dermatitis, some types of Acne, and psoriasis can potentially affect the results of this procedure, for example. In addition, certain types of medications must be discontinued for up to six months before laser treatments can begin. We will discuss these contraindications with you during your consultation.
What Results Can I Expect?
After the treatment, there may be some slight discomfort as the skin begins the healing and remodeling process. This can vary among individuals depending on the person’s individual tolerance. Some patients may heal more quickly than others, but it can take a few weeks for the new collagen to be pushed to the surface. During your consultation, we will let you know what you can expect before, during, and after your treatment. Every treatment is customized to the individual, ensuring results you can trust.
Contact Nova Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation with our medical team and find out how laser scar revision can improve the overall health and beauty of your skin with minimal downtime.

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