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Signs Youre a Candidate For A Breast Lift

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Posted April 14, 2014 in News

111A breast lift is a cosmetic procedure that involves lifting sagging, drooping breast tissue to give you perkier breasts. It is a popular procedure for women who have had pregnancies or have breastfed, and among women who have lost large amounts of weight. These lift experiences can cause your breasts to gain volume and then lose it rapidly, which leaves the breast tissue less tight and toned than it used to be.

The first sign youre a good candidate for a breast lift is that you are unhappy with your breast shape or placement, and that you have reasonable expectations for the surgery. You should also be happy with the size of your breasts as they are. Breast lift surgery doesnt change the size of your breasts- youll need a breast augmentation for that, and it is common for women to get both procedures done at once. You must be getting the procedure for yourself, and not to satisfy anyone else.

Secondly, you are a good candidate if your breasts are pointing downward instead of up or out from the chest wall. The nipple might even be below the fold of the breasts. The surgery will involve the removal of excess skin and tissue that has led to the sagging, and the repositioning of the areola and nipple higher on the breast. This returns your breasts to the more youthful, toned appearance they had before you had children or were a victim of gravity!

Good candidates are usually done having children, and are near their ideal weight. Child-bearing, breast-feeding, and large changes in your weight can cause the breasts to sag again, which will alter the appearance of your post-operative breasts. If you are still considering having children, you probably want to wait until afterwards to have the surgery.

Youll need to be prepared to handle the surgery both financially and time-wise. Youll need about two weeks of vacation from work, and will need someone to help you around the house for the first 48 hours after surgery, when you cant lift heavy things or move around vigorously.

Finally, good candidates for a breast lift are in general good health and are non-smokers (or have quit at least six weeks before surgery). Smoking interferes with the bodys ability to heal efficiently after surgery, and can lead to post-operative risks and complications.

If you have any questions about breast lifts in Northern Virginia or would like to schedule a consultation, please call our offices at (703) 574-2588.

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