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Different Uses for BBL Light Therapy Treatments

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Posted October 20, 2014 in News

BBL Light Therapy TreatmentsFall is the perfect time to take a step back and assess the skin damage youve accumulated during those warm summer days. Even if you avoided the sun all together by wearing hats and using broad-spectrum sunscreen, you can still improve the look of your skin with light therapy. BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy treatments are used to treat several different skin conditions. It can be used to treat pigmented and vascular lesions, or as a regimen (Forever Young BBL) to reduce the signs of aging over time. When you come in for your consultation with our Physician Assistant, she will come up with the best treatment plan tailored explicitly for your skin.
Pigmented Lesions
BBL treatments use wavelengths of light to heat the outer layers of the skin. This heat stimulates your skin to regenerate collagen and targets unwanted pigment that cause lesions. If you suffer from freckles, age spots, and/or sunspots, BBL is the perfect treatment for you. There is no downtime after a BBL treatment and most people can return to work right after with only a small amount of redness. The pigmented lesions will get darker at first and then flake off after a week or two. Depending on the amount of lesions and the intensity of them, you may require more than one treatment. Treatments can be purchased individually, or in packages of 3 or 6.
Vascular Lesions
BBL works in a similar fashion to help improve the look of vascular lesions. The light waves gently heat up the blood vessels in the skin, which helps to break them down and shrink them. As the blood vessels break down and shrink, it reduces the look of the vascular lesions. BBL treatments are a great way to reduce the look of vascular lesions and redness in the face. It requires a different setting that targets the blood vessels as opposed to the settings for pigment as used in treating pigmented lesions. Again, it may require more than one treatment, which will be discussed at your consultation.
Forever Young BBL
Even if you are not suffering from visible age spots, sun damage, or vascular lesions, you can still benefit greatly from BBL treatments. Forever Young BBL is a regimen to keep your skin looking younger over time. A Stanford University study showed that skin treated with Forever Young BBL more closely resembled the gene expression of younger, untreated skin. The results of Forever Young BBL consist of increased elasticity and improvements in fine wrinkles, pigmented lesions, and vascular lesions. After ten years of receiving BBL treatments at least twice a year, patients appear to not have aged at all over the time period and look approximately 10 years younger than their actual age.
Almost everyone can benefit from a BBL treatment whether it be to target specific skin problems or to just keep your skin looking younger and more rejuvenated. Call our office at 703-574-2588 to schedule your consultation in Ashburn, Virginia with our Sciton BBL & laser expert.

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