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Why You Need Sunscreen in Your Daily Skin Care Routine

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Posted July 30, 2024 in Skin
woman applying sunscreen on her body

Many people neglect sunscreen as a part of their daily skin care routines. The sun’s UV rays are incredibly powerful and can seriously damage the skin if left unprotected. This blog discusses the importance of proper sunscreen application and treatment options for sun-damaged skin. 

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Protecting Your Skin 

Your skin does so much for you on a daily basis, which can sometimes make it easy to forget how important it really is. The skin is the body’s largest organ, and it protects the body from germs, regulates temperature, and receives sensory information, among other things. With all that your skin does for you, what are you doing to ensure you protect your skin? 

Skin cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancers, with melanoma in particular on a steady rise. The National Cancer Institute has estimated a total of 100,640 new melanoma cases in 2024. One of the best ways to protect yourself from developing skin cancer is to avoid unnecessary sun exposure and to always wear sunscreen whenever you’re in the sun. 

How Much Sunscreen Should You Use? 

While many are aware that they should apply sunscreen before spending time in the sun, not as many people know what proper sunscreen application looks like. The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends using sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 or higher. Sunscreen should be applied about 15 minutes before sun exposure and on all skin not covered by clothing. This will give your skin enough time to absorb the sunscreen before it is exposed to the sun. 

Additionally, it is important to make sure you are applying enough sunscreen to protect your skin properly. It’s generally recommended for adults to use one ounce of sunscreen to cover their entire body and about a half teaspoon of sunscreen on the face. Keep in mind that sunscreen needs to be reapplied every two hours after exposure to the sun or after swimming or sweating. 

Do We Really Need Sunscreen? 

Sunscreen is a powerful yet seriously neglected step in many people’s skin care routines. Most people are regularly exposed to the sun every day — even if you stay indoors all day, you’re likely to be exposed to some degree of sunlight coming from the windows. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage the skin, causing sunburns, premature aging, and skin cancer. 

At best, sun damage may be a sunburn that heals eventually, but at worst, it could be a deadly form of skin cancer. Sun damage can also look like brown spots, sometimes called age spots, which many people dislike the appearance of. Once those age spots pop up on your skin, they can only be removed by a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. 

Proper sunscreen application should be performed daily to prevent all forms of sun damage and keep your skin looking its very best. 

What Is the Best Treatment for Age Spots? 

While skin pigmentation and age spots are a form of sun damage, they don’t cause any harm to your health. However, many people who develop these sun spots seek treatment for removing them for aesthetic reasons. 

NOVA Plastic Surgery and Dermatology offers the following skin treatments to reduce the appearance of sun spots: 

Want to Know More About Skin Treatments in Northern VA?

To learn more about taking care of your skin and what skin treatment options you have in Northern Virginia, call our office at (703) 215-9152 or fill out our online contact form today. 

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