Male Hair Restoration in Virginia
Hair Restoration for Men
If there’s one change in appearance that many men view as inevitable, it’s hair loss. Male pattern baldness is so common that many think there is no point in trying to stop it, instead simply accepting it as a normal part of aging. While there is nothing wrong with learning to love your new, bare scalp, if you would rather keep a full head of hair, you can. Through hair transplants, NeoGraft®, or PRF, NOVA Plastic Surgery can stop and reverse a thinning hairline, restoring full hair coverage to your scalp.

What are the Benefits & Drawbacks of Hair Transplants?
This procedure involves surgically removing hair from one part of your body and then grafting it onto the thinning parts of your head. The transplanted hair will fall out after a few weeks, but the hair follicles will remain active, and new hair will quickly grow in their place.
This is one of the quickest methods for reversing a receding hairline, and it has the advantage that you are using your own, natural hair to do it. The transplant usually comes from hair on the back of your head, which continues to grow even at the latest stages of male pattern baldness. This means that you can usually expect the transplanted hair to remain in place for the long haul.
Our skilled team is able to blend hair transplants in well, but time and natural genetic hair thinning around the transplant can still eventually result in an uneven appearance. You may need some additional transplants to deal with this issue.
Besides these aesthetic problems, hair transplants carry all the ordinary risks of surgery. The procedure may cause you to develop an infection or bleeding, and you could be allergic to the anesthetic. You may also develop scars in the areas affected by this treatment. NOVA Plastic Surgery can keep these dangers to a minimum, but certain types of patients face especially high risks. For this reason, we encourage you to consult us about a transplant.
NeoGraft® is a state-of-the-art hair transplant procedure that improves upon many of the downsides of traditional hair transplant surgery.
Like a traditional transplant procedure, NeoGraft® grafts healthy hair from an area of excess (such as the back of the head) to an area with significantly thinning. However, the process is entirely different. The traditional technique requires a long incision on the back of the scalp. This could be a stigma for hair transplantation.
During a NeoGraft® treatment, an experienced provider will use a handheld device to remove healthy hair follicles without needing to remove the strip of skin that is required with traditional transplant procedures. These individual hair follicles are then relocated to the thinning area.
While the transplanted hairs are expected to fall out, this process is designed to stimulate your natural hair follicles to grow once again.
This process is much less invasive than traditional methods and does not require incisions or sutures.
PRF Procedures for Thick & Healthy Hair
Given that transplants are not always safe or suitable, a number of other methods have been developed to restore hair growth.
The most promising of these is platelet-rich plasma, or PRF, therapy, a revolutionary new procedure that NOVA takes full advantage of. PRF therapy is at least as reliable as transplanting while being considerably easier and safer.
Whereas hair transplants take hair from one section of your head to grow in another, PRF stimulates your original hair follicles to begin growing again. To do this, we begin by extracting a sample of your blood, usually between 25 to 30 milliliters. We then use a centrifuge to separate your red blood cells from the parts of your blood rich in platelets. We collect the platelet-rich substance and inject it directly into your scalp. Finally, we give your head a massage to spread the platelets around and send you on your way.
PRF therapy has few side effects even in the short run. While your head may experience some bruising or swelling in the days following the procedure, you should have no trouble working, exercising, or otherwise enjoying an active lifestyle. The risk of bleeding, infection, and other issues associated with hair transplants is minimal. As you recover, the platelets will begin stimulating growth in your hair follicles. This will cause your hair to become thicker in areas where it is thinning and grow back where it has fallen out.
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The NOVA team believes that procedures of this sort should be taken slowly. For this reason, we recommend receiving PRF once a month for the first three months, and once again every 6 to 12 months after that for an extended period. This allows us to slowly stimulate growth, gradually restoring your hair for enduring health and thickness.
While there are relatively few risks to PRF therapy, the procedure does have a few contraindications that you should be aware of. You should not receive this treatment if you have a blood clotting issue, recently suffered from cancer or blood infection, have unstable or low blood pressure, recently received cortisone therapy, or have blood with a low concentration of platelets. NOVA Plastic Surgery offers comprehensive consultations for everyone considering PRF therapy, making it easy to determine if it is right for you.
Learn More about PRF injections for hair loss in Northern Virginia.
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